Represents an autocomplete interaction.
BaseInteraction<Cached>The application's id
Inherited from BaseInteractionSet of permissions the application or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from
Inherited from BaseInteractionMapping of installation contexts that the interaction was authorized for the related user or guild ids
Inherited from BaseInteractionReadonly
channel:CacheTypeReducer<Cached, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, TextBasedChannel | null>
The channel this interaction was sent in
Inherited from BaseInteractionContext where the interaction was triggered from
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe time the interaction was created at
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe timestamp the interaction was created at
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe entitlements for the invoking user, representing access to premium SKUs
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe guild this interaction was sent in
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe id of the guild this interaction was sent in
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe preferred locale from the guild this interaction was sent in
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe interaction's id
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe locale of the user who invoked this interaction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIf this interaction was sent in a guild, the member which sent it
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe permissions of the member, if one exists, in the channel this interaction was executed in
Inherited from BaseInteractionoptions:Omit<CommandInteractionOptionResolver<Cached>, 'getMessage' | 'getUser' | 'getAttachment' | 'getChannel' | 'getMember' | 'getMentionable' | 'getRole'>
The options passed to the command
The interaction's token
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe interaction's type
The user who created this interaction
Inherited from BaseInteractionThe version
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is received from a cached guild.
Indicates whether this interaction is received from a guild.
Indicates whether or not this interaction is received from an uncached guild.
Indicates whether this interaction is an AutocompleteInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a ButtonInteraction.
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a ChannelSelectMenuInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a ChatInputCommandInteraction.
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a CommandInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a ContextMenuCommandInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a MentionableSelectMenuInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a MessageComponentInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a MessageContextMenuCommandInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a ModalSubmitInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction can be replied to.
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a RoleSelectMenuInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a select menu of any known type.
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a StringSelectMenuInteraction.
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a UserContextMenuCommandInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionIndicates whether this interaction is a UserSelectMenuInteraction
Inherited from BaseInteractionSends results for the autocomplete of this interaction.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
options | readonly ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceData[] | No | The options for the autocomplete |